Veneers Laminates

Dental Veneers

Veneers Laminates

Confident Smile through better dentistry


You can think of a porcelain veneer a lot like a contact lens, but for your teeth! Porcelain veneers are extremely thin (0.3mm, about the thickness of a business card) sheets of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your tooth. Porcelain is the material of choice because it most naturally replicates human enamel. They are used to change the shape, color, size, and symmetry of the teeth and smile.

Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers


THE DENTIST uses three types of porcelain systems; Empress, Emax, and Feldspathic Porcelain. We also offer variations of No-Prep veneers like Ultraveneers and Durathins. The actual term used is biocompatible lithium disilicate glass ceramic – quite a mouthful! These are recognized as the most superior systems available in cosmetic dentistry, and these are the materials our skilled dentists have used in all of their award-winning cases.


Clinic is superb with its ambience and very good hospitality from the team as the entire check up process was very comfortable and professional.
Invisalign for Suguna-Dentist
Very well organised Clinic from booking appointments till treatments and follow up.Perfectly done with high importance and painless treatment


Veneer Laminates cost will start from  Rs 5000 and depends on complexity the charges will be extra and will recommended if required


Most frequent questions and answers

It depends on mulitple factors like the size of the cavity and  material used to fill the cavity.

Fillings are safe and effective,but some people might experience discomfort or tooth sensitivity afterward.Most of the time,this sensitivity is normal and will resolve within few days or weeks

During filling procedures, dentists clean away the decay inside the cavity, usually with a drill, before filling it in.Fillings work by replacing the part of the tooth destroyed
by tooth decay. The dentist molds them to match the shape ofthe surrounding tooth.