Diet and nutrition are significant influencers of oral health .A poor diet was significantly associated with increased odds of oral disease. There exists a biunique relationship between diet and oral health: a balanced diet is correlated to a state of oral health (periodontal tissue, dental elements, quality, and quantity of saliva).


One of the most common oral health problems caused by diet are cavities in teeth.

Factors  including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and not cleaning your teeth well also play role in developing cavities.

Sugars and carbohydrates from foods combine with bacteria and convert to acid in your mouth. This acid eats away at your tooth enamel, the hard covering on your teeth, causing cavities in your teeth.

Foods that are highly acidic can cause cavities and other .Highly acidic foods include tomatoes, and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons etc

When it comes to drinks. Drinks that are low in sugar, and non-acidic are the best option.

 Milk is high in calcium which in turn helps to strengthen teeth.


High-sugar, high-saturated fat, low-fiber and fat intake causes an increased risk of gum diseases.

When you consume too much sugar, you increase your risk to develop tooth decay. It occurs when plaque comes into contact with sugar in the mouth and the acid attacks the teeth, making it difficult for tissues inside your mouth to resist infection.

This leads to the development of gum diseases.

Deficiency in vitamin D leads to reduced bone mineral density and the progression of gum diseases.

Vitamin A is crucial to maintain the integrity of the gums.

therefore, a vitamin A deficiency can lead to gum inflammation.

It is important that  taking care of your teeth isn’t just about having a nice smile and pleasant breath. Poor oral health is linked to heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy complications .

To have good oral  health, it is important that individual consume appropriate amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and other micronutrients.

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